Thesis statement: The United States should increase gun control restrictions to reduce fatalities by firearms.
I. Background on gun control
A. What gun control is
B. Current laws in the U.S.
II. The Second Amendment
A. Intended for Militia
B. What a gun was when the constitution was written
III. Statistics on deaths by guns in U.S.
A. Total gun deaths in U.S.
B. How many are intentional/mass shootings
C. How many are by accident
1. Household accidents
2. Police related accidents
IV. Procedure to get a gun
A. Current Federal Laws on getting a gun
1. What some states do and don't require
B. What is harder to buy than a gun
V. Loophole
A. Gun show loophole
B. Gun Control Act
1. Private sellers
VI. Opposing argument #1
A. "Guns are needed for protection"
1. Response time
2. A gun doesn't protect
3. Increased chance of death or injuries by gun
VII. Opposing argument #2
A. "increased gun control only puts more firearms in the hands of criminals"
1. More likely to be shot by if you carry a gun
2. What's happening in other countries
a. Statistics on gun death in other countries
b. Black market prices
VIII. Mental health relevance
A. Irrational outbursts
1. Statistics on suicide
2. Mass shootings
IX. Solution
A. Guns should be harder to purchase or obtain
1. Required gun safety awareness education
a. Comparison to a car
2. Should be a Federal law
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